Video project idea

Video project title is "dangerous cyclists."   

     There are a lot of people who ride a bicycle while watching a cell phone. If they ride a bicycle while watching it, they run into pedestrians.  Nowadays, pedestrians also walk while watching their cell phone, so they couldn't notice a danger that they run into a bicycle. In Okayama city, also has this problem. A lot of Seishin students ride a bicycle while watching their cell phone, and they seem to run into a car. It is very dangerous! We have to stop riding a bicycle while watching cell phone, because when we run into pedestrians, pedestrians may be injured.
     Also ignoring traffic signals is seriously problem. It is a cause of traffic accidents, so we have to obey traffic signals.

My luxuarious trip

     Going to Hokkaido is my luxuarious trip. I went to Hokkaido when I was 12 years old in summer. Hokkaido is large, so I couldn't travel there for three days. I visited Asahigawa zoo. There were many kinds of animals. A white bear was very cute, but I was surprised when a white bear jump into water. Seals looked like a mermaid. They swam comfortably. I enjoyed sightseeing:) But the best memory of this trip was feeling the world of -51 degrees in my body! It was very very very very cold!!!!;( I screamed for cold, and  the sense of my ear disappeared.... I don't want to feel that again, but it was good experience. I want to go to Hokkaido next summer.

Sports Day

      It was sports day on Saturday. I got up at 6:00, because I have to go to Kinenkan by 8:45. Early morning was very cold, and I didn't want to come out of futon. There were many kind of events, and I took part in volleyball. The serve of a member of volleyball club hit me on my face. It was painful;(
I couldn't win this game, but I could enjoy this game ♪
     The English Department is second in the Sports Day! I'm very very very happy:) I felt that a member of the English Department made friends more.
     I want to play sports together once more, and next time, I want to play basketball.

Weekend ( vocabulary test)

    I went shopping to purchase a perfume on Saturday. The shop has perfume of the considerable kind, and I couldn't decide which I purchase. I thought that the most strongest scent is rose. After all, I didn't purchase, and I didn't like perfume. But I think that a perfume is good for present.
    I prefer cologne and aroma to perfume.
    I went to florist on my way home, because my mother wanted to buy flowers. I wanted to buy it, but I don't have a vase, so I stopped buying it.
    I spent a good time, it was a nice weekend :)


     I read 'Bird in PARADISE'. I don't like bird, but birds in this book is very cute and beautiful. My favorite bird in this book is Tufted Coquette. This bird is very beautiful, and I think that Neckles is good at taking a photo. I like taking a photo, and I know it difficult to take moving animals, so I think that Neckles is great.
     This book's photo and picture is very beautiful. I enjoyed reading this book.


    I went to Yuhuin and Takachihokyou. Do you know them? Yuhuin is in Oita, and Takachihokyou is in Miyazaki. Both are very beautiful places♪ Oita has Beppu Onsen. I like Onsen, haha:) Have you ever entered a Onsen?

Next time, I want to go to Hakata and Tenjin.


    I like the biohazard series. I watched biohazard Ⅴ.  This movie is scary, but action is very cool.  I love Milla Jovovich I think that she looks good with a role that beautiful and cool woman!

Go to Tottori

  I went to Tottori for a trip with my friends. I left Okayama at 8:30 in 22nd, and arrived at Tottori at 11:00. I was very sleepy in the bus.
   I swam in Nihonkai. It is more beautiful than Setonaikai! I took a lot of pictures with my friends. It became the good memory of the summer vacation♥

Driver's license

    I'm studying to take the driver's license. I have not studied about this, so I feel that it is very difficult. But it is necessary to careful driving, so I want to study more hard.
    If I take the driver's license, I want to go to sea and driving and shopping . :)

Cupid the Dolphin

   I read "Cupid the Dolphin." This story is written about the stranded dolphin. A stranded dolphin is usually die within days, sometimes even hours. When I knew this story, I thought that I want to help a stranded dolphin, if  I found it, because I like a dolphin.

   I want to swim with a dolphin in this summer vacation!!

How to follow a good diet

1. The eating habits to keep healthy bodily shape.

    The eating habits to control your suitable bodily and weight is basic. First, look your the eating habits over again.You should take care of your daily meal.

2. You should eat three meals of a day as soon as possible.

3.When you think that you overate today, you should control your meal      tomorrow and day after tomorrow.  For example, you eat dinner at early time.

4. Eat a variety food to take in a lot of nutrition.

5. To eat nothing is bad, because if you do that, you maybe rebound.

6.  Chew your food well.

The Phantom of the Opera

    I read 'The Phantom of the Opera.' When I was first grade at a high school,  I watched this movie. It was difficult for me to understand about this story, but I like this story.
   The opera ghost isn't ghost. He is a man  whose name is Erik. His face suffered a wound, so he was called ghost. Erik loved Christine and he wanted her to love him, but Christine loved Raoul. Finally Erik took Raoul as hostage, and he demanded Christine to marry. She accepted his demand, and kissed him. He was impressed that she kissed him, and he intended to free her. I think that Erik's love is true. I love this scene.

Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput

   I read “Gulliver's Travels in Lilliput.”  I knew this story, but I didn't know the name of the island that Gulliver traveled. This island people is very little. They can stand on Gulliver's hands.
   Gulliver didn't know Lilliput language, and Lilliput people taught Gulliver their language. The language called Lilliputian. Gulliver learn very quickly, and he can talk to the little people. I think that he is very clever.  I study English for six years, but I can't speak English well. I want to speak well like Gulliver.
    I like this story.

The Adventure Capital OF THE WORLD

     I read "The Adventure Capital OF THE WORLD".This book is written about adventure sports in Queenstown, New Zealand. New Zealand has a lot of adventure sports, and bungee jumping is very popular. It is a sport in which people jump from a high place with a special rope. People jump from an altitude of 134meters. It is so fearful. Maybe, I can't do that.
     New Zealand is famous for a jetboat. It doesn't have a propeller or rudder, so it can operate in very shallow water. Although I don't want to jump from a high place, I want to ride a jetboat.

The Lost temples of the Maya

I read "The Lost temples of the Maya." This book is wrritten about the Maya. I don't know about the Maya in detail, and I was surprised at Maya's a year. Maya's calendar contained 13 months consisting of 20days each for a tmtal of 260days. This is different from Japanese . I would like to learn about the Maya.


    I read Let me Out!   This book is written about the relation between a human being and a robot.
    John made a robot , Nolan. It can speak and understand what he said. It is very smart robot.
    Nolan likes cleaning his apartment. It likes John. But he said it " you are robot, and you don't have feelings, so it is impossible for you to like me."  Nolan couldn't understand what he meant.
    Nolan tried its best for John, but John don't understand its effort and he always love his dog, Sam. Finally Nolan was angry and killed Sam and John.
    I think that this story shows me robots have feelings.
If John considered Nolan, they didn't reach such sad end.

About Mexico City

Mexico City

In Spanish Ciudad de MéxicoMéxico   
             〈In English〉          Mexico City


Spain overthrew Aztec empire and built Mexico    City   on  Tenochtitlan.
      The population arrived a hundred thousand in the 18th century.
         In 1968, the Summer Olympic Games was held in Mexico City, and in 1970,    FIFA World Cup was held there.
         The terrible earthquake in Mexico occurred on September 19, 1985.
      Magnitude was 8.1.

Clothes in Mexico
Ethnic clothes of Mexico are handmade by women. A tradition of making ethnic
      clothes is taken over from mother to a daughter. How to weave and design of embroidery is different every race, area and a village.
         There are blouses that three-dimensional made. It is very cute, so it is popular among Japanese women.

COOKING a short review

  This book is written about solar cooking.
Solar cooking is using solar power to cook food, so it is not using the fire.
  A solar cooker is helpful when the air temperature is not very hot. It can be used to cook meat, fish, grains and vegetables. Of course, it don’t use the fire.
If we don’t need the fire to cook, deforestation decreases, so solar cooker saves a forest. And it saves not a forest but lives. It shows us water that is safe to drink.
   We should notice the importance of the way of solar cooking.


   I read a Sherlock Holmes. There is two stories. The first story is  a bank robbery, and the second story is the examination paper. I think that both are interesting, and I like the first story better than the second story, because it is complicated story and Holmes's deduction is wonderful. He can deduce the case just to hear about it. He can notice that everybody couldn't notice.
If I am him, maybe, I can't notice that Spaulding was making a tunnel.
 I read a book written in English for the first time, and it is difficult for me, but I could enjoy reading it.

Olympians a short review

 Olympic has the long history.
In ancient Greece, Olympic event winners received an olive wreath and they were considered to be part gods, or demigods.       
 Now, we consider Olympic winners to be very skilled people .
 The Olympic Games were stopped  by Roman Emperor Theodosius I, but it revives again, and
conveys fun to the present age.